Join the bootcamp!

Our 6-week Sleep Accelerator Program is a true hybrid program that gives the busy practitioner best of both worlds! 6 weeks of bi-weekly virtual group coaching to help quickly implement sleep apnea in your practice along with Online Access to the courses for one year!

  1. Literature And References

About this course

  • Free
  • 173 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Start changing lives today!

Many adults suffer from Sleep-Disordered Breathing (SDB). Often, they fail to notice their symptoms, because they’ve never lived without them. They may be diagnosed with ADHD, have asthma, suffer from recurrent sinus infections or just wake up every morning feeling more tired than when they went to sleep.

If you are anything like I used to be 10 years ago, trying to figure out the best way to implement sleep apnea in the practice, this course is for you!

  • Discover a seamless system to implement Adult Sleep Apnea in your practice!

  • Build a more sustainable and profitable practice!

  • Get paid by medical insurance for sleep appliances!